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Laura Lewinski

Psychologist and Coach as a profession, Nomad by choice. The Nomad Choice grew out of my own experience of moving over and over to different cities around the world.

In each move, I had challenges and countless unforeseen events that I never could have imagined. At the same time, with each move and new city, I met amazing people, learned from a different culture and enjoyed the journey. Each time I had to reinvented myself professionally and I developed resources to support my family in these transitions. This choice of life led me to reflect on my own tribe, dive into intercultural studies and specialize myself in expats related topics to be able to support them in their professional and personal life to get the most of this choice.

First online session free
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Nomad stories



For a Nomad the word uncertainty has a special place in our vocabulary. It is part of our reality, and we have to learn how to deal with it and this is not easy at all! Depending on the nature of our move, either because it is written in the employment contract, because a visa is terminated, or because of the nature of the move, there is inevitably an amount of uncertainty.

Living in Chapters

We can tell our own story by chapters, each city we live in is a different chapter. The benefits and difficulties of living in this lifestyle allow us to reinvent ourselves socially, professionally and personally.

Being a Nomad

We are the ones who do not have a fixed home address, our city changes from time to time, depending on employment contracts. Our mindset is very different from other expats that take the new city as their long-term home.

The Nomad Choice

Sometimes we can feel that we are adrift and that the wind blowing us away there may even come a time when we no longer know why we are living where we are. It is fundamentally being aware that this is our life and this is our own choice. What decisions do we make to be where we are? What choices did we not make? Reflecting on these issues allows us to feel that we have the reins of our life.

Statistically Nomad

After being an expat for so long, I lost track of how many farewell parties I threw or were made for me, how many houses I looked at with real estate agents, or which airports I stopped at.

The numbers are lost in space and do not reflect the quality or challenges of the experiences I have had. Friends, knowledge, work and cultural experiences are intangible resources that fit any suitcase. Knowing how to choose what you want to carry around is a process and a ones choice. A little serious, a little joking, when I look back, the numbers are these and they still are adding up…

16 years

as a Nomad

327 people

that I invited to my birthday and I never saw again


farewell parties

